Saturday, July 30, 2016



Mothers and aunts in expensive “doos” and three inch nails, lament the mistreatment of their “innocent young boys,” whose crime was? “He jes got in with the wrong crowd.”
          The young men had no fathers, no male role models to emulate, no one to demonstrate how to be honorable law-abiding employed adults.
          Our welfare system perpetuates the fatherless system. The cycle continues. These ne’er-do-wells have no future unless something drastic is done to secure a normal home life. Not about to happen. Nothing will change because the underclass respects their self-anointed leaders who refuse to focus on the boys’ most dire need--trustworthy fathers.
          Au contraire, admonishes Savrini to his imaginary audience, their people berate pro-family speakers accuse them of proselytizing a diabolical racist concept antithetical to their society’s mores. How impertinent that an outsider should suggest that the number one need is an adult male and an adult female to forge the family unit.
          “The community” foments anger at the “system” because there are not enough hand-outs. All the money in the world will not solve the problems caused by men reared by single mothers on welfare, by the dearth of good men in their sons’ lives.
          At the police station, before the rolling cameras and the sympathetic news people, the Mamas protest. “Po’lices should do mo to keeps our boys on the right track.”
          Everyone forgets the youth programs sponsored and run by these very same officers whom they accuse of brutality and a substantial want of concern.
From Discipline, 5 star murder/mystery by Anikola Bitter.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Philly allows a smidgen of safety to its police.

"(He) inches sideways against the brick wall, grasps and turns the knob, throws open the door.
          Silence but for the driving music and the door that bounces back and bangs against the outside wall.
          He enters, praying that his back-up will be along soon...
          What happened to ‘partners’? Cops used to make calls with sidekicks. Eliminated because of cut-backs, he muses. Partners-- that was a good thing. He notices that every great idea is discarded."
From Discipline